4 | Snowmobile VERMONT 4 | Snowmobile VERMONT & Then Now Dexter Willson was VAST’s president from 1987-1989. He and his wife, Lucille, were presented with a National Yamaha Snowmobile Pride award in 1988. We caught up with this“on-the-go”couple at the 2016 Danville S-Ski-Mos’Spaghetti Ride-in and also at the 2017 Bayley Hazen Road Bean Ride-in. Dexter is the current president of the St. Johnsbury Sno-Blazers and Lucille is the club’s secretary. George Safford wrote this letter to VAST in October 1984. He had just turned 15 and was living in Richmond. We sent a scan of his letter that was published in an old issue of V AST News to him a couple of months ago. He reminisced, “Later on in the ‘80s, I was told that my name was called at a big VAST meeting but I was not there because I was unaware of the invitation. I got together with Camel’s Hump Middle School Principal Mr. Robert Goodreau and was given the go-ahead to have meetings there. After high school, I joined the Air Force, so that dream never happened, but I was happy to learn someone else had started a club in Richmond. I retired in 2008 and never stopped snowmobiling once. I appreciate all that you do and am still in awe at the beauty the trails take us to in our beautiful state. Thanks so much for the memory.” George Safford rides his favorite childhood trail in 1989 on Corridor 2 between Bolton Notch Road and Bolton Valley Access Road George Safford Dexter & Lucille Willson George still rides on Corridor 2 in Bolton and he’s still an Arctic Cat man! Send your ”Then & Now” photos to editor@vtvast.org!