Late Winter 2018 | 5 VAST News WWW.HUNTERSSKIDOO.COM 203-269-2183 263 Church St. (Rt. 68) Yalesville, CT A NEW STANDARD IN WARMTH 501 Wahconah Street • Pittsfield MA (413) 443-0638 • Monday-Friday 9am-6pm • Saturday 9am-4pm Be the First To Snowcheck Your 2019 Polaris! There are many great factory options to customize your snowmobile to your exact specifications! Snowcheck your new Polaris today and have a truly unique ride! SPRING ORDER Lowest Pricing Around on 2019 sleds TRAIL TIPS By Mike Mutascio Even though trail debrushing has improved greatly over the years, we still encounter the occasional “leaner” that whacks your helmet. Even worse is that large hanging branch that redirects a snowmobile to an unfavorable position on the trail. Folding camp or arborist saws are a convenient tool that can accompany any rider. They have specialized teeth that rip in both directions as you work the saw. It folds up for safe storage and transport while you ride. I purchased a saw three years ago and stored it amongst my saddlebag contents. Looking back, I suspect I did not use it as much as I could. Like many, I was guilty of the impacts of inconvenience while riding. So using wire ties, I mounted the saw to the hood cowling near my knee. Now with easier access, I found myself clearing trails more frequently. I keep the saw in the thigh pocket of my bib pants these days. The belt sleeve that came with the saw protects my pocket from any damage. Clearing branches can be quick and easy. It greatly enhances safety for everyone. Do you have a Trail Tip? Email If we use your tip, you’ll get a VAST 50th anniversary t-shirt!