18 | Snowmobile VERMONT of snow. The groomed trail extends westward amongst a backdrop of powdered hills. The ride retreats with a gradual drop in elevation as you approach EX523. A rider is presented with two choices: (1) Turn right onto Corridor 1A and uncover more winding woods around the East Haven Range towards EX521 or (2) simply continue straight down Corridor 1 along the scenic banks of the West Branch to EX522. Whichever route you choose, when you reach the next intersection turn right onto Corridor 3. In a few minutes, it’s time for a taste of snowmobiling nostalgia. A web of Burke Driftskipper secondary trails border the Caledonia-Essex border. It’s a throwback to the formative years of trail grooming when bed springs, rollers and homemade smoothers were prized acquisitions. Today the 315 trails are groomed by a small cadre of caretakers that use utility snowmobiles and Class IV drags. The result is an extraordinary personal riding experience. Clusters of tight, twisty paths cut through thick woods and open meadows, even along the playground for the East Haven River School. Don’t be surprised to find yourself ducking under sagging snow-laden branches, sliding down elbow-wide chutes of trail or sharing the trail with a few red squirrels. But certainly pay close attention to your map and return to EX526 and EX521, because it’s time to enjoy some snow-highway excitement ahead. Quick miles and persistent smiles are the norm in this area. Throttle down the firm, wide base maintained by the Lunenburg Polar Bears. Your adventure takes you directly through a gravel pit which was created three seasons ago after a loud weekend of ledge rock blasting. The tons of aggregate are constantly used on the area logging roads that become groomed snowmobile heaven in the winter. At EX522, you return to the lower leg of Corridor 1. Continue straight along the Moose River and expect a spacious base and comfortable ride. After three miles, tracks dive left at a logging yard. Sleds re-enter thick woods and eventually cross over the new Line Brook snowmobile bridge. Take in the sights, but do not be complacent. Moose are checking you out, so be aware. Watch for a pitted trail and perhaps a few droppings… oddly a source of homemade jewelry for a few entrepreneurs! Great Rides