Fall 2018 | 27 Dealer of the Year The Chester Snowmobile Club has been in partnership with them for many years. The club helps sell VAST TMAs during the last days of early bird sales by being at the store during the “rush” filling out TMA forms and whatever else is needed to service the demand. Enfield Motor Sports also works in collaboration with the Chester Snowmobile Club for their Annual Poker Run event. They usually bring demo sleds for folks to try and they also donate some pretty cool items for the winning poker hands. Check out their website for other events, www. enfieldmotorsports.com. They host an annual swap meet, bike nights and an open house event. Enfield Motorsports is a one-stop shop, offering customers the toys, parts, accessories and servicing they need, along with great customer service. Enfield Motor Sports celebrated its 25th anniversary during its annual open house event in 1996. Dale Badura, the dealership founder, proudly stands (fourth from the left) with his family and employees.