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Enjoy the spring and summer and plan to return and renew your TMAs with the Lyndon Sno-Cruisers who have some nice groomed trails and have become a destination location in the Northeast Kingdom. Larry Dwyer, Secretary Like us on Facebook Iroquois Snow Beavers We wish Mother Nature could tell us she was sorry. We had a decent snow storm and were able to get out and groom long enough to enjoy our trails for all of two days before the warmth and the rain took it all away. The silver lining was that we had the chance to ride across the numerous bridges we had built, see snowmobiles pass through our region and have a fleeting vision of what it was like back in the good days. Businesses claimed Williston Hill Hawks When you live near Lake Champlain, you never get to do much local riding. Season preparation includes making sure your trailer is in tip-top shape. I have had my trailer break in half before, so I always get my trailer ready first. I am always looking for new people to go riding or maybe introduce someone new to the sport. It is great to stop and chit-chat trailside and enjoy the Vermont scenery along the way. I knew I wanted to attend the Military Appreciation Ride-In in February, so I planned to do some Lamoille county riding at the same time. My cousin had been posting pictures of him and his son doing lots of rides around Johnson. So we made plans to ride that day before the Military Ride- In. I had not really spent much time with my cousin in the past 30 years, so I was looking forward to going out riding with him. My girlfriend and I were riding my 2013 Ski-Doo while they have a pair of 1995 Ski-Doo Formulas. They had been working on them, father and son style, all fall and the machines did run pretty good. We made the loop from Johnson to Stowe, Elmore and to Hardwick. It was great to see young Patryk so CHITTENDEN COUNTY full of energy while riding, just like I did with my family, egging my dad on to go faster. His dad had to put the choke collar on him a few times, but he loves riding. If they had new sleds they would still love snowmobiling, but they might not have made the same connection as father and son. The time they spent figuring stuff out, getting parts, and trying to keep them running is time all spent together. Dad can listen to his son making lap after lap around the house and not worry about losing thousands of dollars if he hits a tree. And when Patryk breaks the sled, he has to figure out how to fix it. So don’t be afraid to get into snowmobiling at an entry level. Let everyone learn how to ride and be responsible for themselves on the trail or around the house. The smiles are just as big, whether you have $1,000 invested or $10,000. Money can’t buy snow though; just let it snow! Rich Spitzer, President Like us on Facebook that in those two days they were busy, saw lots of snowmobiles and sold a few extra TMAs. The community realizes the benefit of what we do, and that is gratifying enough to start planning for next year. We hope for a surprise storm to end things out, but these extra warm days get even the most hardcore sledder thinking about spring. At our next meeting, we will start preparing for spring cleanup, talk about some planned reroutes in Huntington and find ways to make the trail better for next year in hopes it can be just like “back in the day.” Erik Engstrom, President Like us on Facebook Brighton Snowmobile Club It looks like you folks got out and did that snow dance, sang that snow song and said that snow prayer that we asked you to do in the previous article. Because here in the Northeast, we had fantastic riding in January and February. What a difference a year and about 3 feet of snow make! Our annual snowmobile dinner/ raffle fundraiser was a great success this January, thanks to the hard work of our many volunteers that can be depended upon to always to see that things run smoothly. They are too numerous to mention, but they solicit and collect the prizes, make the dinner arrangements and see that the evening runs without a hitch. Every ticket holder receives a prize and no one goes home hungry. This year, our big winners of the 2017 Polaris were ESSEX COUNTY Nathan Bevins and Larry Dwyer register participants at the Burke Publik House, the first stop of the Lyndon State College Snowmobile Club’s Ride-To-Win event.