Vermont Snowmobile Laws

Vermont State Statutes                  Vermont Snowmobile Manual

Liability Insurance

Liability insurance is mandatory effective September 1, 2003: All individuals operating a snowmobile, in Vermont on the statewide snowmobile trails system, shall have a liability insurance policy or bond in the amounts of at least $25,000 for one person and $50,000 for two or more persons killed or injured and $10,000 for damages to property in any one accident. In lieu thereof, evidence of self-insurance in the amount of $115,000 must be filed with Vermont DMV. You must carry proof of insurance and show it upon demand.

Speed Considerations

Under Vermont Law, Title 23, Chapter 29, you must operate your snowmobile at a speed that is reasonable and prudent, taking into consideration current conditions, trail traffic and other hazards present on the trail.

Speed Limits on Vermont State Lands

The maximum speed limit on state lands is 35 m.p.h. The use of radar on snowmobile trails is becoming a standard practice. With the use of hand held radar guns, the enforcement of speed limits that are imposed on all state lands, has increased dramatically. Snowmobiles are subject to posted speed limits on public roads open to snowmobile traffic.

Zero Alcohol Tolerance

Vermont has a tough “Snowmobiling While Intoxicated” (SWI) law. This law covers both drugs and alcohol. While you will be charged with SWI on the VAST trail system, intoxicated snowmobilers operating on a public highway will be charged with DWI. As a result of this violation, you will be assessed points and your driver’s license will be suspended.

No Ice is Safe Ice

A frozen lake maximum speed limit. A frozen lake is considered a public highway and the maximum speed limit is 50 m.p.h.

Reporting an Accident

If you are involved in an accident, resulting in personal injury, death or property damage in excess of $500, it is your duty to stop and report it to local authorities. You must give your name, address, registration number and the name of the owner of the snowmobile to the party whose person or property is injured. You must also file an accident report with the Department of Motor Vehicles within 72 hours.

Equipment Requirements

Your snowmobiles must be equipped with: headlight; red rear light; windshield free from jagged or sharp edges; a fully functional brake in good condition; efficient muffler and such other equipment and devices as may be required to meet the noise level specifications of not more than 73 decibels on the A scale at 50 feet in a normal operating environment. Colored lens covers on headlights are illegal.?Windshields are mandatory or the operator must wear eye glasses, goggles or a protective face shield.


Helmets are mandatory for all riders on the VAST trail system.

Replacement Exhaust Systems

It is against Vermont law to sell a replacement exhaust system that exceeds the manufacturer's original equipment specifications. Violation of this law will result in a fine of $300 for the snowmobile operator and a $300 fine for the person selling the illegal exhaust system. No by-pass of a muffler system is allowed.

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