Our club’s focus encompasses being environmentally conscience, providing safe riding, promotion of community involvement, and respect and appreciation for landowner property. We spend many hours maintaining our trail system to ensure safety, including such work as brush-hogging, clearing fallen trees, straightening an unsafe corner, or rerouting of a blind hill on the trail. Most of our trail work is done between August and the beginning of hunting season. We have found that the trails are quite useful to the landowners too, whether it is for them to have a place to cross-country ski, use as a walking path, or even to have easy access to firewood. Many of our trails are old logging roads or wood roads that have been used for years by present or previous landowners. We try to maintain an 8’ to 10’ wide trail, but often the width is reduced to 5 or 6 feet because of large trees or perhaps an old stone wall being next to the trail and we chose to leave the area as it is.
Poultney, VT 05764