12 VAST PRESIDENT’S REPORT Submitted by Tim Mills Here we are in mid-July and it has rained almost more than it has been sunny. The weather patterns over the last few years have been some of the most unusual we have seen in a while. The only thing benefiting from all of this rain is the garden, which has had plenty of water to help it grow. Not unlike our gardens, we at VAST have been using everything available resource to us to continue to grow and this past year hasn’t been any different. Club compliance meetings were held around the state led by our own Executive Director Cindy Locke, to help the clubs update themselves on current requirements for all applicable federal and state laws for operating a fiscally sound club. A new TMA category was developed for the collectors of vintage era snowmobiles residing in Vermont. A new lease is in the works for the LVRT trail, which is moving along quite nicely including the replacement of Bridge 68. The Vermont Snow Trails Conservancy has been busy working on new ways to allocate funding to stay fluid for trail security in the future. This year’s Spring Construction Seminar was a big hit as usual with an all new platform for presentations along with a time allotment for questions asked from the floor to be addressed on all topics by VAST Executive Director Cindy Locke, VAST Vice President Jeff Fay, Washington County Director Mark Reeves and myself. A Summer Summit was held with the VAST officers and board of directors in July. The main goal was to discuss new ideas and methods to keep VAST growing and maintain financial fluidity. There is a lot of excitement around the state as this year marks our 50th year as an organization and I couldn’t be more proud to be a part of something like this. We are very fortunate as an organization to have the continued commitment of everyone at VAST, county directors and clubs around the state help us maintain our flagship statement,“to provide a trail system second to none.”I thank you all for continuing to help us grow!