
What is VAST?

Founded 50 years ago, VAST is responsible for the organization of the sport of snowmobiling, maintaining and grooming over 4,700 miles of trails in Vermont. One of the oldest snowmobiling organizations in the U.S., VAST is a non-profit 501-c-3 orginization that includes 127 clubs statewide, with over 24,000 members combined. The clubs and their steadfast volunteers, and the landowners that allow riders to cross their land are the backbone of the organization.

Resources for more information 
About VAST
VAST Funding Sources

The Board of Directors 

VAST is run by fourteen Directors, who are elected by the clubs in each of Vermont's 14 counties and by four officers also elected by the members. The VAST office is overseen by six full-time employees and one seasonal employee and is centrally located in Berlin, Vermont.

Vermont's snowmobiling season starts on December 16th, after hunting season, and ends in mid-April, snow permitting. Vermont's northern location receives an average of 100-250 inches of snow, and with its high elevations, it often means that rain in southern New England falls as snow here.

Who owns the land the trails are on?

Eighty percent of Vermont's trail system is on private land with more than 9000 landowners. Snowmobiling is a privilege and is permitted only through the traditional generosity of these property owners. Respecting the land by showing courtesy and not littering will ensure that New England's best trail system remains open for years to come.

How is it possible to ride on private land?

Landowner permission is required to ride on private land. Local clubs obtain landowner permission for trails on private property. All riders in Vermont must belong to VAST and a local club to ride legally in the state. There is a substantial fine for riding without a TMA.

VAST trails are for winter use only!

Permission to use snowmobile trails does not extend to use of these trails by ATVs, four-wheelers, motor or mountain bikes, hiking or other uses, unless specifically authorized with written landowner permission. A VAST trail is a trail only during the snow season; any other use will be considered trespassing. Please respect the rights of the landowners and remember to say thank you.

Remember, you are VAST… get involved!

Central Vermont Economic Development Corporation has named VAST as the Member of the Month for February 2025. Click here to read the article featuring VAST

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