Dec 16, 2015
The Vermont Association of Snow Travelers (VAST) is very pleased to announce that we have a new website. Moving forward we will be adding more and more to this site like:
- Trails Condition Report (outlining each trails condition and with location maps)
- Grooming Database (so groomers can log their hours and miles and you can see when trails have been groomed)
- Enhanced Club Pages (with more photos and a map of each club's specific trail system)
- A News Blog (best way to get quick VAST snapshot news)
- A Better Buying Experience (a much better VAST Gear Shop)
- NEW IN 2017!!! - Online TMA Option (VAST is working on this and hoping to launch next season, but remember that you will always be able to buy directly from your club, and even if you buy online, you will still be a supporting member of your current club)
Please be patient while we continue to populate this new website. Early next week we will be announcing three online classes for club web gurus to take, so we can show each club how simple it will be to update and maintain their own club's pages. STAY TUNED FOR THOSE DATES AND SIGN UP INFO!
If you have questions about the new site, please reach out to Cindy Locke at cindy@vtvast.org.