b'MarketplaceDirect VAST Trail Access | Lodging | DiningYear-Round Family ActivitiesM O U N TA I NT O PR E S O R TChittenden, Vermont802.483.2311 | mountaintopresort.comIsland PondExperience the finest sledding hill in town, lovely views, & direct access to VAST & VASA trails fromspacious6BR,3BAhome, situated atop generous 3.15A.$450,000. Brandy.#5001090WestmoreWell-insulatedretreatLunchDinnerLodgingoffersvariousheatingoptionsplus generator,windmill&solarpower for year-round comfort. Sits on 30ANew Owners & Newly Renovated!w/waterfalls,nearbytrails,views! $265,000. Scott. #5015386 VAST Access From Corridor 114CDerby Outstanding 1.7A propertyDowntown Island Pondfeatures 225 on Lake Salem & town road, direct access to VAST trails &Snowmobile Capital of Vermontlakeactivities,alongw/approved on-site water & sewer.$179,000. Dan.#5015661FarmAndForest.comNear OS-9Derby802.334.1200 Happy ESSEXHOUSEANDTAVERN.COMNear CA-85E Burke802.626.4222Sledding48 | Snowmobile VERMONT'