b'Snowmobiling: A Family Tradition!(Mike Mutascio photo)founding members names and theWe have workdays every weekend land donation. Stop by and take a look. until the snow flies. Contact us via Our secretary has scheduled four in- Facebook if youd like to help. A person safety courses on Nov. 2, Dec.BBQ chicken dinner was held for the 7, Jan. 4, and Feb. 1. If interested, reachLandowner Appreciation event on Woodford SnoBusters out to Stacey at staceybleile@hotmail. Sunday, Sept. 8. A big thank you to com. Lets hope for an amazing winter. our generous landowners who allow Happy fall, everyone! You knowus to use their land. Without them, we what that meansour season isThe McKenna family received thego nowhere.right around the corner. Here at theFamily of the Year Award. Past andWe are also running a CASH raffle SnoBusters, weve been busy preparingpresent family members have beenwith six prizes ranging from $500 to our machines, working on trails,an integral part of our organization.$50. Tickets are $20 each, with only building box culverts, and repairingThank you for all your hard work.250 being sold. Proceeds will go to bridges. A huge thank you to all ourCome visit us at the Sam Show at theour groomer fund.volunteers who help with every aspectBig E Young Building on Nov. 16-17, of the work. 2024. Early Bird TMAs will be available In celebration of our 40th anniversary,soon. Please consider buying yours from Bayley Hazen. You can also join we placed a founders stone at ourIrene DeSouza, Board Memberas a club only member when filling building, inscribed with the originalsnobusters.orgout the online TMA form.Like us on FacebookCALEDONIAEric Page COUNTY bhrsclub.org Like us on FacebookBayley Hazen RoadSno-Mobile Club Buckaroos of 302Its been a busy offseason for theTheres a chill in the air, and the foliage Bayley Hazen Rd. Snowmobile Club,is fading as Kevin and I write this. especially after the July floods. OurIts been a nice summer break for the trailmaster has spent many days usingBuckaroos, but were eager to get back his excavator to fix the trails for winter.in the woods to repair flood damage. The Woodford SnoBusters celebratedIf it werent for his dedication andGroton was hit hard, but were their 40 year anniversary by dedicating aresources, trails in Peacham would beconfident our major trails will be open Founders Stone at their clubhouse. in much worse shape. and ready.Early Winter 2024 | 27'