b'Club Newsmeeting or volunteering some time to a club.Kimberly Lampert mounthollysnowflyers.org Like us on FacebookWork is in progress on Corridor 302 in the Sno-Bees trail system. The Twinfield Snow Travelers displayed their groomer in the Cabot 4th of July WASHINGTONparade. Shrewsbury Sno-Birds COUNTYWell, the summer really flew by and the Sno-Birds have been busy addressing trail issues. We have been doing debrushing as we usually do. We only have a couple of days moreTwinfield Snow Travelersto do. The state was out installingSno-Beesmore water bars on our trails andThe Twinfield Snow Travelers have removing some of the skidder planksIt is that time of year when ithad a busy summer getting things and wood crossings as they did notseems like our club volunteers areready for snow fall. Like last summer, meet the new standards. When weeverywhere. Trail projects are gettingwe again got hit with a large storm and found out, we had to scramble todone, landowner permissions havesubsequent flooding in July. Luckily, purchase new skidder planks so thebeen mailed out, $20 raffle ticket salesthe damage caused was less than trail would be usable this season. Theare in full swing (first drawing at ourlast summer, though it still posed a state will install them. We suggestedNovembermeeting), and planning ischallenge in getting things back up and that they need to give us a heads-uphappening our annual Calcutta dinnerrunning. This year, we had damage as these last-minute jobs are hardraffle. A ride-in event is also in theto four bridges, but luckily all repairs to put together. The club is veryworks. have been made, including a reroute lucky that we have some very goodWe are in good shape with bothon the Cabot-Marshfield line.volunteers who are retired or semi- groomers and drags ready to roll. Trails retired with connections to others whoheld up very well over the summer.This summer, we also had the can help! We want to let the membersThe few areas that needed some floodopportunity to attend the annual VAST know that we will do our best to fillrepair work have been tended tomeeting. We were honored to accept the water bars as best as we can asand are in better shape than before.an award for Project of the Year for soon as possible when the snow flies,We are just about complete with ourour 75-foot bridge in Cabot. We would but with the amount of them and themulti-year effort at improving thelike to again extend our gratitude to depth, I expect it will take a few timesmountain trail (302 to Groton). Daveall who were involved in making that out. I hate to say it, but to disturband crew have spent the better parta successful project. We would also perfectly good grassy soil with noof three weeks regrading, ditching,like to congratulate our new VAST erosion seen is not a water bar but aand installing new culverts. With thepresident, Patty Companik, as well speed bump and more wear and tearimproved drainage and grading, thisas thank President Jeff Fay for his on the equipment. good trail has been made even betterdedication to our sport.Speaking of equipment, we have beenand hopefully more resilient andLooking ahead to this winters doing maintenance on the Tucker andsafer. I have always maintained thatsnowmobile season, we have some are just about finished, so we will bewhen we get snow, it is one of the bestgood news. Our new lower Cabot trail ready as soon as the season starts assections of trail anywhere. is under construction. This section long as the snow comes. We studdedWe have an amazing group ofwas closed permanently after the 2023 and installed the two new tracks andvolunteers. Our club could not doflood due to heavy damage. We hope two new wheels this last weekend,what it does without all of them.to complete this prior to the trails and the rest of the maintenance wasWherever you ride, consideropening up this winter and updates already done. We have a new sponsorcontacting your local club to see howwill be made to the VAST online map.board built on Corridors 4 and 7. Getyou could get involved. Thank you toAs always, thank you to our your TMA early and think deep snow! our landowners. Trails do not happenlandowners and sponsors. We hope to Roy Arthur, Vice President/Trailmasterwithout you. see you on the trail!shrewsburysnobirds.orgSteve Avery, PresidentChandler Potter, Vice President Like us on Facebook snobees.comLike us on FacebookLike us on Facebook38 | Snowmobile VERMONT'