b'VAST Board of Directors CLU BADDISON COUNTYLewis Barnes NEWS802-453-3816 | barnes@champlain.eduBENNINGTON COUNTYCarol DeJohn 860-558-6033 | caroldejohn@yahoo.comCALEDONIA COUNTYBruce Carlsonbruce-carlson@sbcglobal.netCHITTENDEN COUNTYPat Poulin802-878-5648 | polaris70@comcast.netESSEX COUNTYJohn Hull ADDISONBENNINGTON 802-371-7301 | averill193@gmail.com COUNTY COUNTYFRANKLIN COUNTY Ferrisburg SledheadsMichael E. Burns802-527-9471 | mikeb2019@myfairpoint.net 2024 brings significant trail maintenance, yet there are high hopes GRAND ISLE COUNTY for Ferrisburgh Sledheads snow levels Wade Lockerby allowing us to share our ChamplainGreen Mountain Sno Dogswlockerb@gmail.com Valley trails with our VAST family. As I write this, the leaves are falling Along with the entire state of Vermont,and cool air is making its way to LAMOILLE COUNTY the storms and floodwaters tookSouthern Vermont. Weve been busy Dustin Turner out our bridge over Lewis Creek,this offseason with trail work projects dustint6883@yahoo.com preventing access to a major trail arteryand securing landowner permissions. that leads to Mt. Philo. With limitedWeve completed a large-scale trail funding and time, the Sledheads arerestoration project on 7A, which will ORANGE COUNTY focusing on a temporary reroute andopen for the season after the 2023 Juliann Sherman maintaining the remaining trails. floods wiped it out. We hope to open 802-728-5105 | juliann.sherman@vermont.gov With a full board of officers and aanother trail this year that has been handful of attending members, theclosed for several seasons due to a ORLEANS COUNTY Sledheads have kicked off the seasonslandowner issue.Roger Gosselin meetings. Upcoming events includeOur newly formed club celebrates its 802-274-4502 | vtsnowmobiler@gmail.com required training, groomer repairs, trailone-year induction into VAST on Nov. maintenance days, and a landowner1, and we couldnt be prouder of what RUTLAND COUNTY appreciation barbecue. The event willour volunteers have accomplished Mike Stewart be held Saturday, Feb. 1, 2025, with ain just 12 months. Thanks to all our mike@fordofclaremont.com backup date of Sunday. members for their continued support. See you on the trails soon.WASHINGTON COUNTYJeff HalpinBrian Gebo Lucas Lecuyer 802-735-7473 | vastwashington@gmail.com gmsnodogs.org Like us on FacebookWINDHAM COUNTYMichael Garber NEXT CLUB NEWS 802-392-3875 |VastWindham@gmail.com DEADLINEWINDSOR COUNTYDoug JacobsJAnuary 10, 2025hemi.2500@hotmail.com26 | Snowmobile VERMONT'