b'MarketplaceDirect Trail Access!MAKE MY PLACE YOUR PLACE TO STAY, PLAY, AND HIT THE TRAILS!In-room kitchen in all guest rooms BBQ PavilionGuest LaundryFree WiFiCoffee & Tea service in the lobby 24-hour My Store with snacks and drinksRequest the VAST rate for discounts when reserving your room!(802) 662-1658randolph@myplacehotels.commyplacehotels.com2440 VT Route 66, Randolph Center, VT 05061Welcome to the Courtyard24 hour Irving Fuel by Marriott Middlebury and Bistro!Full DeliDirect VAST Trail Access!Homemade Hot Soups Special VAST RateATM $139/night + taxDirect Access to Vast Trail * Suites available withLarge Parking Lot for Trailers fireplaces and jacuzzi tubHot, Fresh Coffee BISTROCertified Angus Beef * Open to the public forPizza by the slice or to order breakfast and dinnerSTARBUCKSUnion Bank branch on site * Available daily421 Route 2 E, Danville, VT800-388-7775802-684-2574 US Route 7 South, Middlebury, VTwww.martysvt.com www.middleburycourtyard.comEarly Winter 2024 | 47'