b'Annual Meetingaway, coupled with other significantLeague, Jacks Drive 55, American trail damage throughout their 40-mileLegion, Rotary Club, Fire Department, trail system. The club had a multitudeBaystate Health, Society of Vermont of large projects that all could haveArtists, Craftsmen at Fletcher Farm been candidates for Project of the Year.School,Black River Good Neighbors, and However, there is one bridge thatMeals on Wheels.was washed away, only to be rebuilt far better than it ever was originally. This project was a large undertaking Best Signed Trails:that was completed with significant Northeast Kingdom Snow Blasters assistance from a local business and a contractor that the business hired. It was The following nomination shared thisin everyones best interest to make sure summary: We noticed the trails werethe bridge was back in place before the signed much better this season. Manysnow arrived. The business, contractor, junction signs are updated (and litand club all worked closely together to with solar lights), junction posts are allorganize the work and make it happen.Camaraderie Award: new with the black-and-white junctionVolunteers from another club 80+ milesBrighton and the Northeast Kingdomnumbers along with the intersectionaway also stepped up to aid in this signs. We also noticed improvementsprocess by digging 72-foot beams, threeThe following two clubs have with upcoming curves and cornersallfeet in height and weighing 389 poundscollaborated with each other on a regular now having a slow sign preceding theper linear foot, out of the trees and mudbasis regarding grooming operations arrow sign. A lot more hazard signs havewhere they had been stored for a decadeand trail conditions in their area. They been added for trail-side obstacles suchor more. There were some major setbackscoordinate between the two clubs their as large rocks, gate posts, and bridgethroughout the process, but perseverancegrooming plans due to the popular trail rails. Blind corners were well marked.and camaraderie paid off with the clubconnections between the two clubs. New this season were the green-coloreddecking the bridge in December as theWhen one club is in need, the other pennants that were added to the stakesfinal piece of the puzzle. immediately helps out the other club along the powerline and in the fields,right away. This could be as simple as a which significantly help with visibility,battery issue; one club was down, and keeping riders from going off trail inthe other club immediately contacted error. The club appears to have done athem to let them know they had a spare lot of work and extra care in late summerbattery and could meet them within an and fall to improve trail signageahour. The closest battery was in Mainenoticeable and appreciated difference. thank goodness for good neighbors who got the club up and running so quickly. The nomination shared, Coordinating opening of trails, closures, and grooming Snowmobile Club of the Year:plans provides a better experience for the Ludlow Side Hill Cronchers riders. We create a much larger riding The next award goes to a club thatopportunity when we coordinate with focuses on supporting their community.each other.Their club president was a county board member for many years and continues to chair the countys nominating Project of the Year:committee. When the club president Twinfield Snow Travelers stepped down from the county board, another member of this club stepped up The next award goes to a club whoseto take over his county responsibilities. slogan says, they have always beenThis club has done a variety of number one in snow. The club hasfundraisers that are well known in their been fortunate to hold some of the samearea: Ride-In and Safety Check, this past officers for decades now, with the luxuryseason partnering with a neighboringEDs Award of Excellence: of new and younger officers steppingclub; Annual Golf Tournament, which isGreen Mountain Snow Dogsup to help as well. This has created aalways sold out; and Bridge SponsorshipWith a club disbanding and leaving nice balance of knowledge and energyPolicy, where any member can makea vital gap in trail responsibility and that enables them to complete a lot ofa donation to the club and sponsor acare, a group of committed volunteers work in short order. It was fortunatebridge on their trails. This club alsostepped up and took on leadership roles. they had this diversity after the floodsteaches an in-person snowmobile safetyThis newly created club took on a big in July of 2023. This club was heavilycourse each year. They have a historyresponsibility this past season. They impacted by the flooding in July of 2023,of supporting charitable organizationsimmediately began working on trails having at least seven bridges washedin their community, including Littlethat had been neglected for years. This 22 | Snowmobile VERMONT'