b'Club Newslooking for members who want to beGRAND ISLEmore active in the club. It is the same few who do the work of many, andCOUNTYwe would like to build this group to ensure the longevity of our club.For me and my family, doing the trailNorthwest Riders prep and cleanup gives us a greatOur club volunteers are gearing up opportunity to get outside, take in thefor a busy season! Meeting with nice fall scenery, and hang out withlandowners, checking trails, clearingAlburgh Sno Springerspeople we havent seen all summer.brush, inspecting bridges, and marking It also allows us to enjoy our sectiontrails are just some of what everyoneBefore we look forward to our new of the trail even before snow flies.has been up to. We want to thank ourseason, lets take a moment to reflect Helping with trail work gives ridersgracious landowners for making theseon our offseason. Last years non-a chance to get more familiar withtrails possible and allowing us on theiropening of trails did not diminish our our trail system and connects peopleland year after year. We appreciateclubs commitment and enthusiasm. who might be interested in formingyour support of our club. Our Fourth of July float was as popular a riding group in the winter. Dontwith the judges as it was with the miss this great opportunity to becomeWant to know more about ourcrowd. More than 50 pounds of candy an ACTIVE member of the Franklinclub happenings and volunteerhelped sweeten everyones disposition.County Snow Raiders! opportunities? Check us out onWe also held a wonderful barbecue Remember to get your TMA! As anFacebook, or attend our monthlyand lakeside outing on beautiful early bird purchaser, VAST will enterclub meeting, held the secondLake Champlain. It was there that you in a drawing for great prizes, withWednesday of the month at the Abbeywe honored founding club members the top prize being a trailer. Lets getRestaurant in Sheldon, Vermont, at 7David and Rachael McFadden with ready for the season and cross ourp.m. Questions? Contact John Ross,a laser-engraved plaque. VAST clubs fingers for some snow! President, at 802-372-1499. live on volunteers, and Dave and Lianne FrechetteSecretarySara Rainville, SecretaryRachael stand as shining examples Like us on FacebookLike us on Facebookof club commitment. We, as a club, offer a huge thank you for all they Early Winter 2024 | 33'