b'VAST NewsWHAT3WORDS APP By Stan Choiniere address. They can then relay this Stranded snowmobilers can findaddress to rescue teams or emergency crucial assistance and navigate theirservices, ensuring that help can find way to safety using the What3Wordsthem with pinpoint accuracy despite app. This app assigns a uniquechallenging conditions.three-word address to every 3m xAdditionally, snowmobilers can use 3m square on the planet, making itthe app to mark their initial location an invaluable tool for pinpointingor any significant waypoints, such exact locations. In a snow-coveredas safe spots or potential hazards, wilderness, where traditional GPSwhile waiting for assistance. This coordinates or landmarks mightcapability is especially crucial in be obscured or difficult to discern,remote or unfamiliar terrains where What3Words provides clarity andstandard navigation tools might precision. falter. By providing clear and precise When stranded, snowmobilerslocation information, What3Words can use their smartphones to openhelps bridge communication gaps, the What3Words app, which willfacilitating quicker and more effective automatically identify their currentrescue operations and ensuring a safer location and generate a three-wordrecovery process for those stranded.RUTLAND COUNTY DONATES $2,200 OF FOOD TO LOCAL FOOD BANKSBy Dale SutherlandThe 11 snowmobile clubs that make up Rutland County Snowmobilers Inc. have a history dating back many years in support of local charity organizations. Golf tournaments and raffle drawings have been held in support of the Vermont Achievement Center and Child First Advocacy.This past season, Rutland County Snowmobilers Inc. continued to support the V.A.C. along with a food bank from each local club area. With a budget of $2,200, County Trail Coordinator Tim Park set forth on a mission to maximize every dollar. Tim started this task with determination and, using every available resource, was able to procure an amazing amount of food, which was then distributed to the following food banks: Castleton Cares, Rutland Community Cupboard, Poultney Food Shelf, Danby Food Shelf, Slate Valley Cares. These agencies were extremely grateful for the donations they received, and countless peopleChittenden Dammers, EAST, GreenBirds, Tweed Valley Travelers) vow to in need were able to benefit fromMountain Climbers, High Ledgecontinue the tradition of supporting the actions of Tim Park and theSnow Stormers, Mount Holly SnowRutland County and those in need. snowmobile clubs of Rutland county. Flyers, Pittsford Sno Mads, PoultneyOn behalf of every recipient, we The clubs of Rutland county (BEST,Snow Devils, SAFE, Shrewsbury Snothank Tim Park for his tireless efforts.10 | Snowmobile VERMONT'