b'Club Newsmembers help with trail work, staking, maintenance, and fundraising, and come regularly to meetings. We feel very fortunate to have these active members who have kept our club going.Our meetings are held the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. at ourNorth Country Mountaineers Roger Guay,The Orleans Snowstormers repaired a club shed, 1039 Stevens Road, WestDon Bennett, Bill Holbrook, Doug Runne,section of Corridor 58 in the Charleston and Dillon Chaffee completed a bridge on Glover. Lake Road with a few of the volunteers. area.Nancy Rodgers, Club News Correspondent theglovertrailwinders.organd replaced the old decking with Like us on Facebook galvanized guardrail. Then, a thin layer of dirt was laid on top. This is great for wildlife, and we have actually seen deer tracks all over these types of bridges. We then built the railing out ofOrleans SnowstormersHazens Notch Snowmobile Clubpressure-treated lumber. Greetings from Snowstormers Thank you to Don Bennett, DillonCountry! This fall has been incredibly We will be holding our second annualChaffee, Grant Stelter, Lance Wells,busy for us as we tackled numerous Radar Run, and this snowmobilingTim Combies, Steve Dalpe, Rogertrail projects. We repaired several season, there will not just be oneGuay, Marcel Roy, Bill Holbrook, andwashed-out culverts, reset three date but two! Please join us on Jan.Dave Aho for helping get this bridgebridges, and replaced the runners and 18 and Feb. 22 for the Hazens Notchbuilt. It takes a team to get thesesecuring planks on another bridge. Snowmobile Clubs Annual Radarprojects completed, and our team ofMany trail sections were washed Run. The radar run will take place atvolunteers did a great job getting thisout and needed repairs, along with Tetreault Farm, 2390 VT Route 100,bridge looking awesome. debrushing efforts. We also undertook Lowell, Vermont. Registration for bothOn Oct. 12, we redecked anothera significant trail relocation on VAST events will begin at 10 a.m., and thebridge that really needed it. Once16, from Orleans to Barton. This should radar run will start at noon. again, we used recycled guardrail forbe completed by the time you read There will be another $1,000 raffle thisthe deck. Thank you to our volunteersthis article. Were eliminating the OS-year, with the drawing taking placewho continuously make projects like13 and OS-10 junctions, and instead, at the Feb. 22 event. The winner doesthese possible. Thank you to Donusing a section of VAST 58 from not need to be present. There will alsoBennett, Bill Holbrook, George St.OS-131 to OS-12. Please pay attention be food, and non-cash prizes for theOnge, Roger Guay, Dillon Chaffee,to the signs and route numbers in winners in each category. Check outDoug Runne, and Steve Dalpe for a jobthis area. Keeping trails intact is our Facebook page for updated eventwell done. Thank you to Dave Aho forchallenging, so its vital to respect and registration information, as well aspicking up the materials and gettinglandowners by staying on the trail and how you can purchase a raffle ticket. them delivered to the site. We reallyfollowing the signage.Hazens Notch Snowmobile Club looksappreciate it! In addition, were exploring a possible forward to hosting this family eventWe are moving forward with ourreroute in the Charleston area to not once, but twice, in 2025! VOREC Grant project to give saferemove a section of VAST 58 off a town Jennifer Main, Media Manageraccess to snowmobiles in downtownroad, pending necessary permissions. Like us on Facebook Newport, adding a travel lane withOur annual Nicholas Gage Poker Run railing and decking to the Causewayis scheduled for January 25th, so keep Bridge. Work should be completed byan eye out for further details as the late October. date approaches. On another exciting Irene Farrar, Secretarynote, the club has acquired a brand-northcountrymountaineers.comnew Polaris Ranger maintenance Like us on Facebook vehicle to replace our old 6-wheelers.North Country Mountaineers As always, think snow, and lets hope The North Country Mountaineersthis season brings more snow than last have been extremely busy getting ouryear!bridges secure for the season. On Sept.Raymond Rodrigue, President 28, near Croteaus, we rebuilt a bridgeorleanssnowstormers.com that was rotting away and no longerLike us on Facebooksafe. We stripped it down to the poles 36 | Snowmobile VERMONT'