b'Club NewsChesters fall festival, selling gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches, a variety of soups, and cotton candy. Next up, we served breakfast, lunch, and dinner in Chester at the BMW Wheels in the Field event. Our major fundraiser is our dinner and auction held annually on the first Saturday inHawks Mountain Ridge Runners assess November.a bridge that needs to be replaced onLittle Ascutney Snowmobile Club Corridor 5. is offering bridge sponsorships as a At this years VAST annual meeting,fundraiser. several members received awards:trails, improve problem areas, and Stan Choiniere received theput up signage. This year was no Presidents Award; Joan Choinieredifferent, and we think our trails willwinners at the VAST Annual Meeting. received an Award of Excellence;be in the best condition ever. We alsoKudos to Windham County for being Mario DAcunto received theworked out the bugs in our new-to-usfantastic hosts.Partnership Award; and Rudy Chiekagroomer, so we will be out as oftenOur Golf Tournament Fundraiser received a Trailblazer Award.as possible laying down the whiteon June 21 at Fox Run Golf Course Joan Choiniere, Secretarycarpet. Getting those bugs out comeswas a hit, with a lively pre-kickoff Like us on Facebook at a cost, so we have started our bridgeat Killarneys. Both venues were sponsorship program mentionedoutstanding. Big thanks to all the here in the past. We have our firstsponsors, golfers, Fox Run, Calcuttas, two bridges sponsored, so only sixKillarneys, and our volunteers. more to go. It costs $250 the first yearBensons Chevy even sponsored a car and includes the cost of the 12 bygiveaway at one of the holes. A special Hawks Mountain Ridge Riders 18 highly reflective green aluminumhighlight was dedicating this event to It was nice having the annual VASTsafety sign. You can see a couple onthe Ellison Family, founding members meeting so close to home this year, butour Facebook page for reference. Thewho continue to be active volunteers.a little disappointing that only Barryfollowing year, the sponsorship willMark your calendars for our Free Messer and I were able to attend.drop to $200. Only one sign per bridge,Snowmobile Safety Course on The meal was good, and the vendorsbut sponsors can sponsor as manyDecember 14 at the Ludlow Senior and discussions were informativebridges as they want. First come, firstCenter. Lunch will be provided by as usual. Our big project this year isserved for locations. So, if you wantthe Cronchers. Please get details replacing the Corridor 5 bridge behinda sign on a specific bridge, please letand register on our website. Our the North Springfield Power Stationus know ASAP. Speaking of bridges,appreciation to the Senior Center for with steel girders and pressure-treateda big shout-out to the Reading Allhosting.planks. We thank the state of VermontTerrain Sportsman Club and some and VAST for donating the girders thatlocal Jeepers for repairing some of ourOn January 25, we are co-hosting our were left over from the Champlainbridges from the last flood. One hadSafety Check Day/Ride-In with the Bridge. Our other project is ato be dragged back in place with someSnow Fleas at the Cook Shack. Two potential reroute at the base of HawksJeeps. With the forecast of La Nia, wegreat club events at one location! Look Mountain; so far, it looks like we willare more optimistic than we have beenonline for all our events.be able to do this without too muchin a while for a great riding season. AsWeve tackled significant trail trouble. As always, thank you to all thealways, think snow, ride right, keepwork, made more flood repairs, generous landowners who make all ofyour hands on the grips, and thankand improved two trouble spots this possible.volunteers as well as landowners.on Corridor 127 near Soapstone Steve Kruse, Club News CorrespondentKevin Barnes, SecretaryRoad and in the Highland Views Like us on Facebook Like us on Facebook neighborhood. Plus, were building a new groomer shed, which will keep our groomer in a more central location. We greatly appreciate everyones hard work.Thank you to all the landowners, volunteers, club members, sponsors, Little Ascutney Snowmobile Club Ludlow Side Hill Cronchers VAST, and friends. You all played a 2024 Club of the Year! Wow! Werepart in earning Club of the Year.We like to call ourselves the little clubdeeply humbled and honored to haveTina Berge, Secretary that could. Year after year, a heartyearned this title. A heartfelt thanksludlowsidehillcronchers.com group of about four to six membersto all, and congratulations to all theLike us on Facebookload up their ATVs and clear the 44 | Snowmobile VERMONT'