BUYEARLYANDSAVE$$! EARLY BIRD AvailableonlythruDec.15 prices do not include club or county dues REGULAR SEASON Standardseasonpricing Registered In Vermont Family Snowmobile Regular Snowmobile Thru Dec. 15 $ 105 EACH $ 89 EACH Thru Dec. 15 Registered Out-of-State Family Snowmobile Regular Snowmobile Thru Dec. 15 $ 135 EACH $ 112 Thru Dec. 15 EACH Regular Snowmobile Avail. After Dec. 15 $ 145 EACH Regular Snowmobile Avail. After Dec. 15 $ 185 EACH 4-Day Pass Available After Dec. 15 $ 75 EACH Antique Snowmobile One-Time $135 Fee Any snowmobile that is 25-years old that is registered as an an- tique snowmobile by Vermont or any other state or province. It must be used exclusively in exhibitions, parades, and public functions. (Antique TMAs sold only through the VAST office.) Vermont Association of Snow Travelers, Inc. • 26 Vast Lane, Barre, VT 05641 • Snowmobile must be registered in Vermont. † † Family TMAs only available until Dec. 15 requires the purchase of two full priced TMAs. All TMAs purchased must bear the same physical address to qualify for Family TMA pricing. The first and second TMAs will be priced at the full cost of an Early Bird Registered IN VT or Early Bird Registered OUT-OF- STATE. (this offer applies to Early Bird TMAs only, option available until 12/15/17) All additional TMAs purchased and bearing the same physical address will be charged at the advertised “Family Rate”. See for more details. † Snowmobile registered in any state other than Vermont. Registered In Vermont Registered Out-of-State Snowmobile must be registered in Vermont. Snowmobile registered in any state other than Vermont. BUY YOUR TMA ONLINE AT VTVAST.ORG! *additionalfeesapplytoonlinepurchases NEW! Vintage Snowmobile For use onVAST trails $55 1st sled, $20 each additional up to 5, sixth $55 + $20 up to 10 (Available starting Jan. 15) All sleds must be at least 35 years old as of this year and meet Vermont Law, Title 23, Chapter 29. (Vintage TMAs sold only through the VAST office.) AVastArmyofGroomers+DedicatedVolunteers+ GenerousLandowners= TheBestSnowmobileTrailsintheEast! COMMITMENT Wewillbeready.Willyou? prices do not include club or county dues