16 | Snowmobile VERMONT President’s Awards (Presented by Tim Mills) SNOWMOBILER OF THE YEAR It is hard to say what truly makes up a recipient for the Snowmobiler of the Year Award. Is it the number of nominations the Awards Committee received in support of a nominee? Is it the number of miles they totaled up during the previous season? Is it their dedication to volunteering for their club, county and serving on several committees? Is it because they are a member of more than one club and in more than one state? Is it because this person rides their snowmobile so much that many wonder if this person actually has a regular job? He claims that he does. I’m not sure what the whole answer truly is, but when you hear this person’s name, these are the things that come to mind and part of what made this person the 2017 VAST Snowmobiler of the Year: Roger Gosselin. 50th Annual Meeting VAST had a great 50th Annual Meeting hosted by Lamoille county at Lamoille Union High School on Sept. 9. There was so much to see and do on that busy Saturday! Members began their day with coffee and pastries to enjoy while visiting with friends before attending a pre-meeting at 10 a.m. During the day, antique and new snowmobiles were on display, vendors were touting their wares and clubs were selling merchandise and raffle tickets. $2,705 was raised by Lamoille county to benefit the Lamoille Area Cancer Network. There was a fantastic silent auction with a great variety of choices to bid on. Groomers were on display and there was a fun vintage photo booth. A delicious barbecue lunch was served, complete with an amazing snowmobile scene cake made by Beverly Lemery. Piles of annual report booklets and handouts were available for members to read and discuss in preparation of the official meeting. As with every Annual Meeting, there was the meeting itself where questions were answered about the direction of VAST and an overview of budgets and bylaw changes. Clearly, the best part was the awards presentations. These presentations are always so very sincere, thoughtful and heartfelt. The best part was remembering all who helped us start fifty years ago and Mitzi Oakes was there to help us celebrate! If you have not seen the video shared that day, go to the VAST website to watch it. (Mike Mutascio and Beth Godin photos)