b'Club EventsLUNENBURG POLAR BEARS CLUB RIDE By Mike MutascioAt the beginning when snowmachine enthusiasts formed clubs, the first order of business was to head out on group rides to events. The tradition continued this season when snowmobilers gathered for the 2022 Lunenburg Polar Bears Ride to the Pond. The destination was the Brighton Snowmobile Club Barbecue in Essex county.Snowmobilers gathered at EX62 in Lunenburg. The intersection of VAST Corridors 102 and 2 is a desirable meeting spot. The area offers a diverse menu of winter highways.Sweeping drops, scenic sightlines, and secludedThe Lunenburg Polars Bears group approaches EX24 at Island Pond. (Mike Mutascio photos)straightaways are a common find. Ron Desjardin would lead the group onWe exited our sleds and trudgedand commitment of Gary Ming, freshly groomed trails, under luminoustowards the crowd. The event wasgroomer for the Brighton Club.blue skies.jam-packed with greetings andThe Ming family gathered under Plans were to use the buddy-systemsharing stories from times gonea wonderful Memorial. Everyone for accountability. Safety was enhancedby.In the background, a Pistenreflected on Garys steadfastness, then with helmet intercoms to spot hazardsBully slowly churned through theunified in applause acknowledging a or announce approaching trail traffic.snow with curious kids on board. job well done.Sleds were in tip-top shape and readyThe Playground was a buzz withAfterwards, our group slowly for the excursion. Shortly after 10 a.m.,snowmobiles having some freestylemustered and headed back to our Ron launched the group north. A brieffun. Brighton Club clothing was upmachines. It was time to return pause at intersections was a momentfor purchase. Tables of prize-drawhome. Oddly enough, the short walk to confirm all were ok.But we weregifts were on display, courtesy oftowards the snowmobiles was quiet.quickly back on the move.The steadydedicated donors.A brand newPerhaps it was time to inventory pace was jazzed up with a constantPolaris snowmobile was unveiled andeveryone we reconnected with at the swirl of snow dust. awaited a lucky winner. event. How many times did we pass The first half of the ride includedA special moment for everyone inthem on the VAST trails and did not a cozy cruise up the Corridor 102attendance was to celebrate the lifeknow it?The group ride to a club VELCO Powerlines. At times, theevent might provide the answer.convoy was in full view as we crested hills.It was awesome. We turned northwest up the 142, then wrapped just west of the Silvio Conte Refuge on 114/102C.The wide Brighton trails were invigorating.The group began to sense an increase in trail traffic. We knew we were getting close to the event and were right. Exiting the woods, we could see the crowd in the distance. In single file we rode up to EX24, home of the Dave Page Memorial and the Island Pond Snowmobile Playground. The snow seemed colorfully painted with a gallery of parked machines each topped with a single helmet. A glaze of light smoke quickly wafted towards the group, along with the smell of delicious food.The Polar Bears watch the ceremony for Gary Ming.12 | Snowmobile VERMONT'