b'CLU BNEWSThe Brighton Snowmobile Clubs annual barbecue always draws huge crowds!if you would like to volunteer. One of the projects involves supporting the Waterford Ridge Runners helping open the old 5F trail through Passumpsic. We are all hoping for a better winter than last year. Right now, the ticks are unbearable up here. We need cold weather and snow to kill the buggers. Hopefully, a real winter will materialize. Fingers are crossed (and toes!) Remember to volunteer at least one day working on trails! We are VAST!Michael Dente, Vice President bhrsnowclub.org Like us on FacebookBuckaroos of 302 volunteers, KC Craige, Greg Gilbert, and Vice President Kevin McDonnell, supervise as the first Buzzy Eastman Memorial Trail sign is hung in place on Corridor 302. work projects this fall. The first will bethe groomer to move off of Little Italy to move the 232 trail where it crossesRoad to reduce the amount of road we Buckaroos of 302 Harv Orr Road. Currently, we cross theneed to travel on the 302 trail. road on a corner of Harv Orr Road (itIf youve been following the Buckaroos As Kevin and I sit down to write thisis the road crossing with the multipleof 302 Facebook page, you wouldve newsletter, we cant help but daydreamstop signs) and we will be working toseen that we erected one of the Buzzy of snow and freezing temperatures,move the trail further down the roadEastman Memorial Trail signs on the especially as some days cracked 90 inaway from the corner.302 trail by Seyon Pond Road in April. June! Unfortunately, we have to waitThe second project will be replacing aWe will be erecting the second sign a few more months before we candamaged and washed out culvert onnear CA 9 on the 302 trail near the experience winter again so well havethe 2004 trail with a bridge. The lastfall, make sure to look for them this to settle for cooling off in Lake Grotonproject will be clearing the bank nearwinter! Kevin has been repairing and for the time being. We have a few trailthe Town stump dump to allow forrepainting junction signs this summer. Summer 2021 | 17'