b'VAST NEWSTALE OF THE TRAIL: THE PIPELINEBy Mike MutascioTwo decades before the arrival of recreational snowmobiling in the 1960s, the focus was not on winter fun. Rather, everyone was preoccupied with the horrific war in Europe.Protecting Britain during World War II was a priority. The flow of oil was essential to support their defense.Complicating matters, ships normally allocated to transport oil to refineries in Quebec were needed elsewhere during the war.Lengthy round-trip transports up the Atlantic coastline and down the St. Lawrence River were costly and dangerous due to enemy warships.Each winter, ships would come to a standstill from ice.It was scary.The solution was to build the Portland to Montreal Esso Pipeline. Plans included completion of the 236-mile project in record time across Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont.Surveying was done from the air.Construction was completed at a fierce pace.Instead of using saws to clear trees, bulldozers simply pushed them aside to save time.Thirty-five thousand tons of pipe were laid using massive machines.Rumor is one sank in a bog in Essex County.Yikes!In a ceremony in Highwater Quebec, the Canadian and United States pipe sections were connected on Augustfor its clear sightlines, challenginga camera.1, 1941.Dignitaries celebrated thegrades, comfortable straightaways,Snowmobilers need to remember that achievement.Oil soon began to flow. and stomach-wrenching drops.Onthe Pipeline trail includes numerous Jump ahead twenty years;occasion, there is a brief interludelandowner properties.Riders must snowmobiling became the talk of theinto the woods to avoid bogs. It gets astay on the marked trails to avoid town in Vermont. The Pipeline inthumbs-up! numerous fixed objects like markers, Orleans and Essex counties becameUnique amongst the VAST trailgates, posts, and rocks.Clubs a go-to riding destination.It hassystem are the split lanes that beginfeverishly prepare the trails each pre-always been tons of fun and remains aat EX62.Many riders cannot wait forseason due to rapid vegetation growth fantastic riding experience today. the 1900 foot elevation thrill hills nearand changing ground conditions.Several sections of VAST trails interactEX63, the highest elevation for theSled traffic keeps the groomers on the with the Pipeline in Orleans County. entire Pipeline.There is no shortagemove.But the largest run is Corridors 2of scenic views.Late afternoon on aThe Pipeline trail offers miles of and 5 in Essex County, from Burke tosunny day, the Presidential Range isincredible Vermont snowmobiling.the Connecticut River in Guildhall. illuminated in gold as you ride east. The storied history is unparalleled. Pipeline terrain remains praiseworthyDuring sunset, hills and valleys turn aCorridor 2 is a VAST trail with a tale.hue of purple if you cruise west.Bring 2 | Snowmobile VERMONT'