b'CLU BNEWSScott Griffin submitted this for our annual photo contest. It didnt win a place but we love it! We will be sending t-shirts for his whole family!CALEDONIAFacebook page for trail workdays. Iffrom VAST grants, and the clubs COUNTY youd like to be added to our email/ budget. volunteer list, please reach out to Kevin McDonnell, Gary Lamberton,Our first project will be replacing or myself. You can find our contacta bridge on Corridor 15A (Stone information on the VAST website. WeLane). We sent out an email and erected the second Buzzy EastmanFacebook posting in hopes of finding Memorial Trail Sign near CA9 onmuch-needed volunteers for this Corridor 302 in August. Be sure tolarge project. The complete listing of look for both signs this coming winter!projects we have for our trail system Buckaroos of 302 Thats all we have to report, for now,goes as follows; 2 miles of mechanical hope to see you out volunteering thiscutting back brush on Corridor 152; As Kevin and I sit down to write thisfall! As always, be safe, respect thereplacing the bridge on Corridor 156, newsletter, temperatures are startinglandowners property, and please dontEast Hardwick; culvert, stumping and to drop, leaves are starting to change,litter our beautiful trails. ditching on 15A; cutting back brush and fall is in the air. Its been a greatTaylor Lamberton, Presidentand stumping on 15A near Orton road; summer for the Buckaroos of 302 butKevin McDonnell, Vice Presidentculvert on 15A between CA57 and its time to prepare for the upcomingbuckaroosof302.comCA60; relocate Trail 15A off Nicholson snowmobile season. We held the firstLike us on Facebook Road; replace a culvert on 15A off snowmobile meeting of the year onOrton Road and place a gate on Trail Oct. 9. We discussed trail projects151. Our Trail Master Dave Brown will for this fall, got up to speed on clubsend out emails asking for volunteers matters, and elected officers for thefor upcoming trail work. Please upcoming season. We have someconsider volunteering, any assistance autumn trail projects scheduled; onewould be greatly appreciated! We also involves moving Corridor 232 wherehave postings on our Facebook page. it crosses Harv Orr road. Another willHappy fall!be clearing the bank near the GrotonColes Pond SleddersStump Dump. This will allow for theThe days are getting shorter and groomer to move off of Little Italysummer is over on the mountain.George Gattone, Director road to reduce the amount of roadNow its time to focus on the trails andcolespondsledders.com we need to travel on Corridor 302.maintenance! Like us on FacebookThe final project will be replacing a damaged and washed-out culvert onThe CPS directors, vice president, and the 2004 trail with a bridge. Well alsopresident held a meeting on Aug. 19. be working on cutting back brush onWe discussed upcoming trail projects the trail system. Keep checking ourand schedules, disbursement of funds Fall 2021 | 23'