b'Club Newswant to chew up the trails!Make sure that you have your sled TMA, your registration and insurance card. If you were born after July 1, 1983, you are required to take a snowmobile course and get certified to ride on our trail system. You can take the course online at the VAST website. Keep these required documents with you when riding!In order to cross roads alone on a sled you have to be 16 years of age. If you Chuck Loso of the Shrewsbury Sno-Birds rode along in the Tucker on their first run out toare under 16, you must be under the assist with clearing downed trees.direct supervision of someone 18 years of age or older.Remember, we have FlannelsLaRouce, Janice Alexander and TinaThere is a muffler noise limit in the Restaurant just off our CorridorsCyr all won $25 each. Travis Burbankstate of Vermont on VAST trails. You 4 and 7 in Mendon for your eatingand Tom Mancini won $50 each, andcannot have a muffler that emits noise pleasure! Ride safely and ride right! Paul Hennessy and Vinny Covino each82 decibels or higher from 50 feet Roy Arthur, Vice President & Trailmasterwon $100.away. For the sake of our landowners, shrewsburysnobirds.orgMatt and his team have been workingdo not put on after-market muffler Like us on Facebook day and night to get our groomer incanisters! Please report if you have tip-top shape!Tracks have been tunedany knowledge of these being used.up and our motor has been serviced.We will make sure that they will be All we need is a little more snow andremoved and a fine issued. We do the groomer will be out! Please respectnot want to lose one landowner who WASHINGTONour landowners and dont venturebecomes upset over the noise pollution COUNTY out if there is too little cover. We dontfrom the use of these mufflers. Our Barre Sno-BeesWe have been blessed with some snow recently, but we need a lot more! Some trails are starting to open up in the north for those who have bought a new sled and are itching to get out. It will take a significant amount of additional snow to get our trails groomed and open.Dawn is doing an awesome job of processing our TMAs. Hats off to her and the team on making this a smooth operation. You can get your TMAsonline at snobees.com, or you can also pick up your TMAs when they become available at Laquerres, Gilles Sales and Service, Trow Hill Grocery, Guys Repair and R&L Archery.We had our first drawing for winners of our Sno-Bees Money Raffle!Congratulations to our December monthly winners: Greg Chase, Paul Winter 2020 | 25'