b'Club Newsrideable base on Corridors 1, 3 and 102.with the club. Share your experiencesVAST club recently. This should allow The PistenBully logged over 250 milesand report conditions as warranted.us to keep the trails groomed more by the end of the week. But like mostWave to our landowners and sayefficiently throughout the season. A clubs throughout the Northeast, thethanks! side trail to a local restaurant has been brutal January thaw wiped us out. Think Snow! laid out and cleared as well, opening During the downtime, the PistenBullyup another destination on our trail 400 required an engine repair. Now itMike Mutascio, Secretarysystem. is back running smoothly and waitingvtvast.org/lunenburg-polar-bears.htmlWe took time to recognize the tireless to groom a nice base. We also installedLike us on Facebook hard work and dedication of our club tracks on our Ranger utility vehicle.president by presenting him with a This will help us maintain our trailsFRANKLIN gift certificate from our members at both off-season and during the ridingCOUNTY the last meeting. season. Club events such as our annual As I type, the long-range outlook isSnowmobile Appreciation Day and favorable for a solid dose of winterlandowner dinner are planned and and some appreciable snowfall. Thisready to go. Hope to see you out should re-freeze our water bars andthere. Think snow!bogs. Our grooming fleet is anxiouslyBaxter Weed, Vice President poised to launch. Looks like the VASTLike us on Facebooktrail system will be packed withCold Hollow Bearcatssnowmobilers in the coming weeks. The Bearcats had a busy end of the January is the start of our newyear repairing some pretty major Saturday night meeting schedule.flood damage, but our trails and Switching to weekends duringgroomers are 100 percent ready and the riding season should alsowaiting for some much-needed snow. accommodate member schedules. We had the opportunity to purchase A reminder for all to keep in toucha larger, used drag from another Winter 2020 | 19'