b'Club Newsposting when we will be working on trails. In light of the current COVID-19 pandemic, our thoughts and prayers are with those who have been affected by this terrible virus, and we would like to say a huge Buckaroos of 302 thank you to all of our frontline workers and personnel for helping to keep us safe! As always, be safe, respect the landowners property, and please dont litter our beautiful trails.Taylor Lamberton, President Kevin McDonnell, Vice President buckaroosof302.com Like us on FacebookThe Buckaroos of 302 president, Taylor Lamberton, Miranda Garrow picked up a pickup load of garbage from the Gore Road and Butterfield Parking lot in Groton as part of the Vermont Green-Up Day initiative. repairs on bridges on Corridor 151 andA few members have been staining and Coles Pond Sledders 151, a reroute of trail between CA112firming up our junction posts, and they Summer on the mountain has beenand CA111, and bridge repairs onare looking pretty nice! Our groomer different this year: all our lives havethe LVRT bridge between CA113 andT4 has had its front blade removed and been overturned by the coronavirusCA65.is being reconstructed/repaired by one crisis. We have been asked to stopStay safe and healthy! of our volunteers. Thanks, John. socializing. We are working at home.Carolyn Girardin, Alternate DirectorOnce the club gets landowner Our kids are home from school.colespondsledders.compermission and materials are obtained, Maybe we have been laid off or putLike us on Facebook I will be posting work events on our on furlough because of the massiveFacebook page looking for volunteers. closure of businesses. We hope you allVolunteers are greatly appreciated and are safe and healthy. We are eagerlyhelp our club maintain our trails. Hope waiting for 2021 season to begin. Weto see a few friends and riders come want to thank all essential workersout to help!for their contributions and sacrifices through these trying times. Our last meeting of the season wasDanville S-Ski-Mosheld in June to hold our yearly nominations and elections toHere we are in the middle of July and determine officers and directors foranother heat wave is on our heels. We 2021 season. This is the outcome fromgo out and start our snowmobile and the voting: George Peak, president;wish we were riding right about now. Shawn Messier, vice president; CarolynWouldnt that be great?Greaves, treasurer; Elizabeth Brow,The club has not been too active these secretary; George Gattone, director;past couple months, but soon we will Peter Anthes, director; Dave Brown,be starting much need debrushing director; Jeff Hale, director; Garyand a trail reroute. This reroute is on Dubuque, director; Carolyn Girardin,Corridor 2 from CA108 to CA29. It alternate director; and Caleb Messier,requires a couple bridges and cutting alternate director. out a trail. This is due to a landowner President George Peak completedpermission being withdrawn. We and will be submitting paperwork forare now obtaining permission from VAST for various projects, reroutes,another landowner and should be and repairs. Projects proposed includestarting work on the reroute in the the 2020 reroute from CA57 to CA60,near future.Danville S-Ski-Mos John, Mike and Don stain the junction post in West Danville.20 | Snowmobile VERMONT'