b'VAST NEWSTROUBLE ON THE TRAILS?VERMONT 911 ANSWERS THE CALLBy Mike MutascioI remember having this strange habit of upgrading my cell phone yet saving the old one. Over time, I was worried I was becoming one of those people who couldnt throw away anything old.Ends up my habit proved beneficial when I couldnt find my fancy smartphone. I had one of those I wonder moments and dug up an old flip-phone from my junk drawer. I contacted my service provider and asked for help. Within minutes, they activated my old scratched-up cell phone. Voila!Instead of being an old cell phone collector, I was now someone with a backup phone.When we head out on the trails, we also need to consider backup plans for the unexpected.Cruising our gorgeous snowy highways might include coming upon or being involved in an(Mike Mutascio photos)emergency. When crisis happens, the most important thing is the ability to communicate. Amongst the mountains,when a communication provider wantsIt can be frustrating. Hang in there. valleys, and dense forests of Vermont,to provide service in Vermont, theAfter a dispatcher determines your dialing 911 has often been a challenge.provider signs agreements that theirlocation and emergency, the call will But yes, it is getting better, especially911 calls will succeed! be forwarded to the Green Mountain for 911 service in the Green MountainOne example of the preceding is that aState.State. snowmobiler might be able to use anyVermont 911 call-takers have strict Days have long since passed when wecell phone to call 911, perhaps evenprocedures. Standardized questions had to memorize and recite the phoneblowing the dust off the old flip-phoneare often used to ascertain the location number on the side of a police car.from their desk. Service providers areand nature of the emergency. On Surprisingly, the concept of a universalrequired to accept any 911 call as longrare occasions, this process can be phone number for emergencies wasas the calling device is technicallyfrustrating for the caller, especially conceived decades ago, but timecapable, even if the caller is not payingif the caller senses the 911 operator was needed to develop technologies,for service. Therefore, the cell phoneis interviewing the caller instead of equipment, standards and legislationshould be part of standard ridinglaunching responders. Most callers are to be able to make use of it.It wasequipment even if you do not have anot aware that even while a call-taker decided 911 would be the number.provider. Just get an unused one fromis asking questions, rescue crews may With the addition of cell phones, thea friend. Hows that for getting yourhave already been dispatched by a ability to access emergency assistancemoneys worth?! computer.improved dramatically, especially withWhen you dial 911, the call is routedWhen you dial 911, the initial priority outdoor recreation.to a certified call-taker in one ofis to determine where the emergency is The statewide 911 system in VermontVermonts Public Safety Answeringlocated. Tower networks can determine receives oversight by the E911 BoardPoints (PSAP). Vermont coverage areasyour location from five square miles to in Montpelier. Staff members andare organized into six sections, eachless than 100 feet: the more towers, the various broad-scope stakeholders meetwith a PSAP. Unfortunately, due to amore accurate. A recent improvement on a regular basis to discuss qualityvariety of factors it is possible yourto the call-takers map application is improvement, technology, standards,emergency call might be capturedthe Rapid SOS functionality, which, in and education. They also ensure that,out of state, perhaps even in Canada.many cases, can automatically provide 2 | Snowmobile VERMONT'