b't rails ignshow to read trail signs GET THE MOST Corridor Trail Number Intersection Number UP-TO-DATEThis number identifies the trail thatThis number corresponds with the VAST map you are on and corresponds withand lets you know what intersection you are at.TRAIL INFO the VAST Trail Map. In this picture,The letters are the first and last of the county you are on trails 5 and 25 wherethat you are in (Orange County in this example) they run together before going inand the number is unique to that intersection.separate directions. ON OUR Trail Direction Town or Destination MAP APP! This identifies This tells youthe next town or what generaldestination point direction thethat you will come trail heads:to on the trail in this North, East,direction. Available forSouth, or West. Android & iPhone Next Intersection NumberThis is the next intersection that youwill encounter if you head down this trail. Club LogoThis is the logo of the club who maintains theArrow Services Links totrail that you are on. The arrow tells youThese represent the which direction toservices that are in thisdownload at: follow and correspondsdirection.with the information onVTVAST.ORGthe sign.4 |Vermont Association of Snow Travelers'