b'Club Newswe brought out many volunteers andseason is just the start of the snow tohave our statewide trail system club members to help rebuild manycome.All our scientific resources,without your piece of the pie. Thank bridges to provide all riders with a safecaterpillars, squirrels, and the Oldyou, riders, for visiting our trails and and enjoyable journey. Also, anyoneFarmers Almanac say we are due forbeing courteous. Thank you to all needing fuel will be happy to heara great winter for riding! Ill go withVAST volunteers! Cheers to a great accessing Nidos in Wilmington wasthat. riding season!dramatically improved.Regardless of not being able toRusty Rosenthal, President The Hogback reroute will not be openpredict the winter conditions the clubLike us on Facebookfor the 2022/23 season, but we arevolunteers still gather in the off-season. working fervently to open the HogbackThe trail work needs to be tended to. trail for the 2023/24 season. We willThe grooming equipment needs to be keep you posted. Visit us on Facebookserviced. This goes for every club in for updates on trails, work days, etc.the VAST community. Volunteers are Ride safe. giving up their own time to provide aJacksonville EZ-RidersTerry Chandler, Secretaryservice for the snowmobile community. Like us on Facebook In my world, this is not taken lightly.Do not procrastinate! Get those We are fortunate to have a few newsleds tuned up, gassed up, and volunteers come forward to supportready to hit the trails, snow is in the the club. Thank you, volunteers! forecast. Mitchell Holland has done Our almost annual Ride-In willan exceptional job throughout the again be planned for late February orsummer into the fall tackling items early March. The almost part showsneeding work during our worker-bee Derry Sled Dogs how dependent we are on the weather.trail maintenance days. Our projects What do we write about?Do we needKeep an eye out for more info on ourincluded rebuilding multiple bridges, to be excited or optimistic? What iswebsite, Facebook, and on VASTstree removal, de-brushing, signage, and the season going to be like when thisevents page. re-routes and closures due to logging edition comes out? I am hoping theThank you, as always, to our generousoperations and beaver construction.first winter storm warning for thislandowners! We obviously couldntPlease join us for club meetings on the first Friday of each month during the Early Winter 2022 | 39'