b'Annual VAST AwardsBy Cindy Locke, VAST EDWhat does it take to open each mileVAST started because of the hard work of volunteers. We celebrateof the VAST trail system? those founders when we celebrate current volunteers each year at theHow many volunteer steps are in each mile? 2,300! VAST Annual Meeting. This year was different. Because of COVID-19 weWhat happens when you add in elevationwere limited regarding what we could do and could not do. We were unsurechanges, bridges, trees down andhow to do our awards ceremony whilesigns to put up or take down? keeping people physically distanced. This led to a rather flat and sad readingI think about those that make the trails possible of the award winners names with applause after each one. every year and also all of the folks no longerThank you, each of you reading this,with us that walked those steps before with because when someone wins an award, it is not to say they are better than thechainsaws, hammers and determination. others before them, or after them, or the ones that walk beside them. It is a celebration of the traditions VASTVAST VOLUNTEERSstands for and, as such, celebrates each one of you.VAST continues a long and rich tradition of recognizing its most valuable volunteers each year at Annual Meeting with various awards for outstanding volunteerism by its members.Annual meeting was a very fancy affair in the old days as shown in this vintage photo. 8 | Snowmobile VERMONT'