b'd ealer /S erviCe /r ePairWALTS SALES & SERVICE We carry everything from lawnmowers and tractors, to Ski-Doos, ATVs, and Sea-Doos. One-stop shop for most recreational sales and service. We have something for every season! 1972 US Route 5, Derby 802-766-5583 waltsvt.com Corridor 5 F 2974 E MAIN ST, WATERBURY, CT203-755-2682 RUTLAND WWW.LANDNSEAPOWERSPORTS.NET CENTRAL VERMONT MOTORCYCLES We proudly offer Can-Am, Honda, Honda Power, NEWEST DEALER IN CT! Kawasaki, Polaris, Ski-Doo, Spyder, Suzuki, Triton Trailers, Yamaha, clothing, accessories, equipment installed by our factory trained technicians. 360 West St., Rutland T H E R ESN O802-773-4533 centralvermontmotorcycles.com T H E R ESN ONo trail accessB E T T E RT I M EFOWLER SERVICES52 Packing House Rd., Castleton802-468-3152B E T T E RT I M ECorridor 4DT OC R U S HA N Y YORK COACH WORKS128 York St., PoultneyT OC R U S HA N Y802-287-9897C O N D I T I O N . Corridor 4AWASHINGTONC O N D I T I O N . GILLES SALES & SERVICES795 VT Route 14, East Montpeliergillesmarine.com802-476-3101Corridor 12/14 F1SAVE UP TO $1,500ON SELECT 2019 MODELSSAVE UP TO $1,500ON SELECT 2019 MODELS800-639-6290 | 802-878-5052Tuesday-Friday 9 am to 6 pm Saturday 9 am to 4 pmL A N D A I R V T . C O M Sunday & MondayGone Riding 2019 Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. (BRP). Al rights reserved. ,and the BRP logo aepret etmrabdeerma 30r,k 2s 0o1f9 B. RTPh lea tsetr.m Prso anmodt icoonnsd iatrioe nssu mabjeyc tv taor yt edrempiennadtiionngoonrcyhoanur gstea atetananydttihmees ew oitfhfeorustanroet iscueb.j Oecftf etromatermy ninoat tbioen a osrs cighnanedg,e t arat danedy,tsiomldewori tchoomutb innoetdic we.i Sthe ean yyo uort hSekri- oDfofoe rd uenalleesrs f oerx dpreetassillsy.st aStaevdehuepr e$i1n,.5 O0f0f eorn v soeidle cwth 2e0r1e 9r emstricted or otherwise or its affiliates. In the U.S.A., products are distributed by BRP US Inc. This offer is valid in the U.S.A. only at participating Ski-Doo dealers on new and unused Ski-Doo snowmobiles (excluding racing models anodde ulsn:i Etsli gsoibldleuunnditesrthe Spring Fever promotion) purchased, deliveordeedl san. Rde rbeagties taemreodu nbet tdweepeenn dSse potne mthbee mr 1o,d 2e0l 1p9u rtcoh Sarisceeds.,Wdehsilieg nqsu,an fetaittuierses, models or equipment without incurring any obligation. Always consult your snowmobile dealer when selecting a snowmobile for your particular needs and carefully read and pay special attention to your Operators Guide, Safety arreo hsieblietecdtnbey wla anw.d B uRnPu rseesde r2v0e1s9 t hSek ir-iDghoot, a mt eanl y g o d safely and wear appropriate clothing, including a helmet. Please observe applicable laws and regulations. Remember that riding and alcohol/drugs dont mix. p in timn ye, toou r sdisncoowntminoubeil eo. Ar clhwanaygs re sidpe receifiscpaotniosnibsl,y an pVideo, Safety Handbook and to the safety lab32 |Vermont Association of Snow Travelers 2019 Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. (BRP). Al rights reserved. ,and the BRP logo aepret etmrabdeerma 30r,k 2s 0o1f9 B. RTPh lea tsetr.m Prso anmodt icoonnsd iatrioe nssu mabjeyc tv taor yt edrempiennadtiionngoonrcyhoanur gstea atetananydttihmees ew oitfhfeorustanroet iscueb.j Oecftf etromatermy ninoat tbioen a osrs cighnanedg,e t arat danedy,tsiomldewori tchoomutb innoetdic we.i Sthe ean yyo uort hSekri- oDfofoe rd uenalleesrs f oerx dpreetassillsy.st aStaevdehuepr e$i1n,.5 O0f0f eorn v soeidle cwth 2e0r1e 9r emstricted or otherwise or its affiliates. In the U.S.A., products are distributed by BRP US Inc. This offer is valid in the U.S.A. only at participating Ski-Doo dealers on new and unused Ski-Doo snowmobiles (excluding racing models anodde ulsn:i Etsli gsoibldleuunnditesrthe Spring Fever promotion) purchased, deliveordeedl san. Rde rbeagties taemreodu nbet tdweepeenn dSse potne mthbee mr 1o,d 2e0l 1p9u rtcoh Sarsiceeds.,Wdehsilieg nqsu,an fetaittuierses, models or equipment without incurring any obligation. Always consult your snowmobile dealer when selecting a snowmobile for your particular needs and carefully read and pay special attention to your Operators Guide, Safety arreo hsieblietecdtnbey wla anw.d B uRnPu rseesde r2v0e1s9 t hSek ir-iDghoot, a mt eanl y g o d safely and wear appropriate clothing, including a helmet. Please observe applicable laws and regulations. Remember that riding and alcohol/drugs dont mix. p in timn ye, toou r sdisncoowntminoubeil eo. Ar clhwanaygs re sidpe receifiscpaotniosnibsl,y an pVideo, Safety Handbook and to the safety lab'