b'Club NewsWashington Snow FlyersSummer is in full swing. I just got my sleds into the shed in June. In another four or five months theyll be back out ready to hit the trails. The club has some future projects to complete prior to trails opening, depending on availability of VAST funding. These projects include a culvert near Martin Upper Valley Snow Packers entered this float in the Vershire Day parade. farm, a bridge at OE95 that needs is our current President Stuart Baconfoundation work, a bridge on trail IIs father, would always dress himself14A near Tucker Road, a bridge near up and bring presents to each child atthe club house on 25/14A F, a bridge our clubs annual Christmas party. Itnear OE96, and some trail brushing. brought so much joy to Stuart to seeA couple of these bridges should be how much the children looked forwardmaintenance items, but others are to a visit from Santa. Still today, we trymore major projects. Once funding Upper Valley Snow Packers to carry on past traditions, even in theis determined, there will be plenty of After a cold and rainy spring, I thinksecret sauce for our annual chickenwork. its safe to say we can all get out therebarbecue!We are always looking for help, so and enjoy the summer sun! FromBeing a member is something manykeep in touch with the Facebook page. barbecues to parades, most of us havepeople take very seriously but mostOur first club meeting will be the first a busy schedule packed full of events.others dont know how much workTuesday in September. Have a great We New Englanders only have a fewis involved in volunteering. Our clubsummer and volunteer if you can.short months to pack in everything wehas some upcoming workdays forJim Wild, Media Manager need to do before the snow flies! Thetrail maintenance. Our PistenBullyLike us on FacebookUpper Valley Snow Packers have doneworkday will be on Oct. 12 and may just that.require two days of work. We will After many, many years ofalso have our firewood detail for the participating in a Fourth of Julybarbecue on Sept. 22.We may need to Parade, we were also asked to join inredeck a bridge in Taylor Valley. on the Vershire Day Parade. KarenWe hope our members and Ward, wife of one of our members,landowners have a wonderful summerWhite River Valley Ramblersran the parade this year, and it wasseason spent with family and friends. an honor to be asked if we wouldThank you for all you do for the UpperIts hard to believe that the summer like to have a float. With a few shortValley Snow Packers! is waning, and soon well be putting days to compile an idea for a float,signs out. We had a great season last President Stuart Bacon reached out toJillian Hatch, Club News Correspondentyear and hope to have a better one this member Andy Moore to help us spiffuppervalleysnowpackers.comyear. We finished out the year down up our signs and even include hisLike us on Facebookown snowmobile on the float! Andy sure does take pride in caring for his snowmobiles, waxing them before they hit storage for the season. Thank you, Andy, for volunteering your time! Our president happily dressed up as Santa to drive the float down the road and, along with Santas grandchildren, Bryson and Finley, and also Mrs. Claus, throw out candy to the children along the route.Former president, Stuart Bacon, who White River Valley Ramblers members Thad Smith, Mark Washburn, Owen Smith, Alicia, Amos, and Arden Riesterer, Melanie Smith and Brenda Washburn participated in the Randolph Fourth of July parade.30 | Snowmobile VERMONT'