6 50TH VAST Annual Meeting Minutes Cont. Member - my second point is about the four independent audits. I think that a more appropriate statement of Action 1 would be that annually the VAST Board of Directors shall set a budget and determine the amount of money to be spent and the number of audits to be conducted. Jeff Fay – That would be covered in Policy vs. ByLaw. Tim Mills - You will need to make an amended motion so that we can now discuss the amended motion. Member, I refer back to my original motion, substituting the word non-performance to non-compliance. A member moved to approve the wording, Dean Percy seconded, motion passed. Tom Baltrus made a motion and Mark Reaves seconded, to change the wording in the ByLaws section to say that the compliance issue is addressing all previous VAST policies. Tim Mills - No, all current VAST policies. Jeff Fay – Just a suggestion, you want to limit it to Policy. We need to clarify what we are going to be compliant with. We have a motion that says to add, “with VAST audit policies”, after the wording non-compliance. David Clough moved to approve the proposed Policy and ByLaw changes, as amended; Mark Reaves seconded, motion passed. Tim Mills – now we need to go back to the beginning of it. We need a motion to approve the Bylaws with the amended changes. Motion was made and passed with two Nays. PROPOSED VAST GENERAL FUND, TRAILS AND SCHOLARSHIP BUDGETS Tom Baltrus reviewed the 2018 budget approved by the Finance Committee/BOD on July 31, 2017. John McManus moved and Lewis Barnes seconded, motion passed to approve the budgets. Motion to reconsider was made by John McManus, Lewis Barnes seconded, motion to reconsider failed. The budget was passed as presented. ANNUAL AUDITOR’S REPORT Tom Baltrus reviewed the Letter from the Auditors – Mudgett, Jennett & Krough-Wisner, P.C. Pat Poulin moved to approve the Annual Auditor’s Report, a member seconded, motion passed. Tom Baltrus thanked the members and the Board for allowing him to serve as teasurer for VAST. Ken Gammell thanked Tom Baltrus for his help, his experience and his work with VAST as treasurer. NOMINATING COMMITTEE REPORT AND SLATE OF OFFICERS Dave Ladd, Chairman of the Nominating Committee, announced that we have one candidate for each office. Nominations are President,Tim Mills; Vice President, Jeff Fay; Secretary, Jim Hill; Treasurer, Sonia Koehler. Dennis Lemire moved to have all nominations approved at once, as opposed to having them done individually, a member seconded, motion passed. Dave Ladd asked three times if there were any other nominations from the floor, for all nominations. Hearing none, the nominations were closed. All nominations were approved by the membership. Motion to adjourn by Ed Hebebrand and seconded by Lewis Barnes, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 3:18 PM.