30 | Snowmobile VERMONT Club News FRANKLIN COUNTY Fletcher Rough Riders The word of the year is “bridge.” We have seven brand new bridges to build and one to redeck! Five new bridges are required on Corridor 104 between Bartlett Hill Road and Route 108 to meet water quality standards. We removed undersized culverts, corrected erosion issues and installed water bars in May. Two bridges are required on Corridor 36 in Fairfield to allow us to avoid open water. We had a February warmup that washed away our ice lst winter. In March, we were not able to reach the LVRT. Needless to say, we are really going to need some help this fall and have three work weekends planned. After almost 15 years, we have relocated our Tucker Snow Cat and all our equipment. Scott and Judy Hathaway have hosted us since at least 2004 and we are moving to Craig Tinker’s home on North Road in Fletcher. Craig is centrally located and we have a great spot for our storage container and Tucker parking. We are not quite done moving, but we keep pecking away at it. Scott has been a great asset to the club but has decided to let the next generation assume some of the responsibility of maintaining our 48 miles of trail and grooming equipment. Sept. 15 is VAST Annual Meeting, which is hosted by Franklin county this year. We are looking for volunteers for that day as well. The meeting will be at The Abbey in Sheldon. Elections are in September and we believe we have at least one open director position. Vice President Tony Audet is our nominating committee chairman if you are interested in filling any of the club positions. He can be reached at 802-752-0443 or realmainer57@gmail.com. Fall work days for 2018 start each day at 8 a.m at the Fletcher Union Meeting Hall on Cambridge Road. They will be held Sept. 8 and 9 (Bartlett Hill weekend), Oct. 6, and Oct. 20. Even half a day helping is appreciated if you can’t make the whole day but would like to help. Tony Audet, Vice President Like us on Facebook Tony Audet assists the contractor, Jason Boissoneault, with loading the Fletcher Rough Riders’storage container. Alburg Sno Springers The trail report as of June 29 is an interesting one. Corn and soybeans are growing enthusiastically on the farms. A herd of Black Angus cattle is grazing the Bay Flats. First cutting hay has been baled. Lawns we crossed on our snowmobiles a few months ago are being mowed. Cyclists and walkers are enjoying the recreational rail trail and the Alburgh Dunes State Park. Deer browse through the woodlands and birds nest in the trees and shrubs. The landowners of Alburgh are hosts to many diverse uses and we appreciate their kindness in accommodating our winter trails. On April 21, the Sno Springers held their first landowner appreciation dinner in some time. Chef Neil Christopher and Sous Chef Michelle Pigeon served up a delicious meal. In addition, each landowner was gifted a sweet treat of maple syrup donated by V.P. Chad Lafarr. Only a few projects are on the agenda for this summer. We will be finally addressing the bridge at the Reynolds Farm. A permanent intersection signpost will be installed at GI 6, and a removable post at GI 8. July 21 is the day of our Summer Picnic which will be held at Dave and Rachael McFadden’s Greenwoods Estate. Details may be found on our Facebook page. Hope everyone enjoys their summer! Dave Ladd, President Like us on Facebook GRAND ISLE COUNTY Grand Isle landowners were treated to a delicious meal and this beautiful cake by the Alburg Sno Springers. ORANGE COUNTY Corinth Sno-Scramblers The dog days of summer are officially upon us. There may not be cool temperatures in the weather forecast, but that doesn’t mean our work has stopped. In the late spring, we started checking items off of our off season To Do List. In May, our hardworking