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Early Winter 2015 3 VASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVASTVAST NEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWS Early Winter 2015 SAVE THE DATE The VAST Annual Meeting hosted by Rutland County clubs will be held on Aug. 20 at the Killington Grand Resort. More information schedule and ways to make lodging reservations will be available soon. This is a day-time meeting and will include a lunch option. NEW VAST STORE ITEMS You asked for them and we made it happen... Blaze orange beanie hats are here The 2015-2017 maps GPS cards and Man Cave maps will be available soon. You can pre-order now and be the first in your club to get it Go to to order from the VAST store. Continued on page 6 MAKE-A-WISH DONATION by Patty Companik VAST has a long history with Make- A-Wish. This year at the Annual Meeting Windsor county clubs decided that they would make a contribution to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. The GMC dealer in Springfield was asked to donate money to Windsor County clubs to help fund the VAST Annual Meeting. They responded saying they would donate 750 to a charity of choice. The Windsor County Snowmobile Club donation of 211 was from 5050 raffle proceeds collected at the Annual Meeting. The Ludlow Side Hill Cronchers Snowmobile Club traditionally raises funds for charity purposes. It only seemed appropriate that their charity funds collected this year be donated to the Make-A-Wish Foundation adding to the county collection a donation of 250 was made. The generosity of these folks has resulted in a total donation of 1211 to Make-A-Wish. In speaking with Jamie Hathaway President and CEO of the Vermont Chapter he said Since 1989 Make-A-Wish Vermont has granted 725 wishes and will grant approximately 40 more this year. Its surreal to think the 1211 donated by the Windsor county team will help grant one or more of those 40 wishes this year. Representatives from Make-A-Wish Foundation of America hold a giant presentation check from VAST. J o h n M u r p h y J r . L u d l o w S i d e h i l l Cronchers President Dick Jewett W i n d s o r c o u n t y D i r e c t o r a n d C a r o l C o y n e W i n d s o r C o u n t y S n o w m o b i l e C l u b T r e a s u r e r w i t h t h e 1 2 1 1 c h e c k for the Make A ish Foundation. NEW VAST WEBSITE Release date for the new website is scheduled for Dec. 16. It will include beautifully designed club pages a close-up detailed section of each clubs trail network and conditions. Each club will have the ability to add events photos videos history meetings times and much more. Clubs will access and manage their pages with user logins and in later development stages eventually be able to enter grooming logs manage grants store landowner information and documents run a variety of reports and use this information for outreach and marketing. For all these features to be fully functional we need your help. The trail conditions and grooming log systems are reliant on specific data that only you can provide. In November a form was sent out requesting detailed information concerning trail names distances and intersections. Please help us bring you this incredible resource and send us your forms as soon as you can. Questions on how to complete the intersection naming form Contact VAST Trails Administrator Matt Tetreault at